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Tokyo Traffic Rules


Cycling Holiday Tokyo Safety Riding Rulebook

In another words, "How to ride safe in Tokyo" 

 It is Japanese Traffic laws.

  • Please read this carefully.
  • It is mandatory to read, understand, and following these instructions when you are in the tour. 

1.  Automobiles and bicycles are to ride on left side of the roadway.

This road sign shows the sidewalk where you can ride

2. Riding on sidewalks are permitted on some cases.

  However, the pedestrians are the first priority and ride slow.

  Ringing bells to pedestrians are against the manner. 


    Avoid riding side by side (abreast of another bicycle).

4. Turning right,
    "Hook turn (to the right)"

When turning right at an intersection, you need to go straight to cross the road first, then a right turn to cross the road again.

5. Wear your helmet. It is Tokyo city regulation, and is effort obligation.

And, This is the STOP sign.

Stop where this is at!

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