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Recommended Restaurants & Bars Along Our Courses


These are our recommendations of several authentic restaurants and bars near our CYCLING HOLIDAY TOKYO courses. All of these have a century of history, more or less. Some are little expensive restaurants, yet they are very worthwhile and memorable, especially if this is your once-in-a-lifetime trip to Tokyo. (CHT Guide: Bubba)

Starter for your night / Cocktails with history

* Bar Oak @Tokyo Station Hotel 

You can really relax here and escape from the hustle of the busy business Marunouchi Area (west of Tokyo Station). This is the main bar of "Tokyo Station Hotel" which is on the station itself, feel it's 103 years of history. The cost could be very high if you eat and drink a lot, but it would be reasonable if you have just a few drinks as to start up your night. Each drinks are priced starting from a little more than JPY 1,000. The nearest port is A4-01 at Maru Building.

Legendary Soba restaurant

* Kanda Matsuya 

One of the most famous "soba" noodle restaurants in Tokyo (and in the world) founded 133 years ago. Soba and other food there taste great, and its appearance and atmosphere are very nice. Located a several-minute walk from Akihabara Station, which is the terminal of our Morning Course, it can be the best place for lunch. There is always a line during lunchtime, so it is recommended to go there at around 14:00 or later after spending some time in Akihabara. The nearest port is A3-15 at Hotel My Days Ochanomizu.

Join local "Oji-san"s drinking

* Kamiya Bar @Asakusa 

The very first bar in Japan, founded 137 years ago. An everybody’s restaurant rather than a bar, and always full with many tourists as well as many local "oji-san"s (older guys). Full of downtown atmosphere. Right near by the central Asakusa, the Sensoh-ji temple, but no nearby port.

The authentic Sushi restaurant from Samurai era

* Benten-yama Miyako Sushi @Asakusa 

A famous & authentic Sushi restaurant founded 151 years ago, so they do not serve new-style sushi such as California Roll. The course is priced at JPY 5,500 or over. Great to eat sushi at this kind of small place which evokes the Edo Period. Sorry, no ports are close by.

Once in a lifetime worth "Oden"

* Yasu-Kou @Ginza (Oden) 

"Oden", the Japanese hodgepodge is reasonable and local dish for winter. Ok, but as a "not to be back here again probably" traveller, you should check out this, the expensive oden restaurants in Japan, yet worthwhile and tasty. Founded 84 years ago. Many staff there have been working for years behind the counter. It may seem that the number of staffs are needlessly too many, but you know, efficiency is not always the most important thing. The nearest port is B3-03 at Ginza 6-chome.



CYCLING HOLIDAY TOKYOのコース近くにある本格的で、1世紀前後の歴史のあるお薦め店をご紹介します。ちょっとお高い店もありますが、一生に一度の東京旅行であるなら、ぜひとも食しておきたい、価値あるお店たちです。(CHTガイド:馬場)


* 東京ステーションホテル「バー オーク」 

丸の内界隈の喧騒をよそに、ほんとうにゆったりできる空間。103年の歴史を持つ当ホテルのメインバーなので、歴史の重みを感じます。たくさん飲み食いするとお高いが、ノーチャージなので、千円ちょっとからのカクテルなどを1,2杯くらいならとってもリーズナブルな隠れ家的なお店。最寄ポートはA4-01 丸ビル

伝説、ていうかなんでしょうね? なそば屋 

* 神田まつや(蕎麦) 

東京で(日本で)最も有名な蕎麦屋のひとつ。創業133年。蕎麦もつまみも美味いし、レトロな店の佇まいが最高。CHT午前コースの終点である秋葉原駅から歩いても数分。つまりツアー後のランチにばっちり。ただランチタイムはぜったい並ぶ。秋葉原でちょっと時間をつぶし、14時ごろに行くのがベストシナリオ。最寄ポートはA3-15 ホテルマイステイズ御茶ノ水


* 神谷バー(浅草) 



* 弁天山美家古寿司(浅草) 

創業151年の有名な老舗店。だからカリフォルニアロールとかねえよ。一番安いコースが¥5,500なんで・・・ こういう小ぶりな店で、江戸時代を懐かしんで寿司を食う。最高だね。ゴメン、最寄ポートまだ無し。


* やす幸(銀座、おでん) 

おでんといえば庶民の食べ物、なのですが、ここは日本で一番くらいにお高いおでん屋。でもそれだけの価値あり。美味い。創業84年。カウンターの中には何十年も働いている方たちが大勢。ちょっと多すぎる気もするが、「効率性が最重要」ってこともないことを感じさせてくれる。最寄ポートはB3-03 銀座6丁目

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