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A tour guide in the Cycling Holiday Tokyo (CHT)

Hi, I am Tadasu Ohbu, my nickname is Ted. Nice to meet you!

I am a CHT tour guide since September 2018.

In CHT, I think there are two types of guides.

One is a real cyclist, he/she loves cycling, they join various cycling tours not only in Japan but also in the world like Tibet.

Another one is a professional tour guide having a hobby of cycling.

I am a later one.

To be a CHT guide, there are some examinations that focus on safe ride and knowledge of sightseeing spots.

For real cyclists, it is easy to learn safe ride but sometimes hard to get the knowledge of sights. On the other hand, pro guides are vice versa.

But let me emphasize all of the guides in CHT have passed CHT criteria.

The reason why I became a tour guide, I love sightseeing and traveled around world. During such tours, I experienced the importance of tour guides. They gave me lots of knowledge of the place and current life information about their country.

I, therefore, wanted to be a guide to show the beauty of Japan and our life.

Cycling is my hobby, I joined CHT to enjoy cycling and guiding for myself.

Tokyo has lots of must-see places: quite new business buildings, historic old temples, shining pop culture streets, quiet parks, and so on.

Bicycle is an effective tool to visit many places. Shall we go to seek such places?

Ted: Tadasu Ohbu

初めまして、大部 匡(おおぶ ただす)と申します。ニックネームは「テッド」です。













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