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Nameless flower? no, it's "Rose Evening Primrose".

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

名もなき花?  いいえ、これは『ローズ・イブニング・プリムローズ』

The world is suffering from COVID-19 Virus.

To our precious guests and their families, we, Cycling Holiday Tokyo guides and staff are hoping everyone is well and spending your time worthwhile.

Now that we are in June, the state of emergency in Tokyo has finally been lifted.

However, we have seen no tourists in Tokyo.

As I walked around the quiet Imperial Palace, I found nameless wild flowers blooming also quietly on the walkway as they don't know the commotion of human society.

No, excuse us, the flower had a name.

It is called "Rose Evening Primrose".

This name was derived from the fact that the flower blooms in the evening.

But it keeps blooming, so you will see the flowers during the daytime on the next day.

The origin is said to be the southern United States to South America. It was imported to Japan for appreciation in the Meiji period (1868-1912), but after that it became wild, and now we will see them at the roadside and parks.

When you come to Tokyo, please take a look on these roadsides.

There are many kinds of flowers blooming, hard to believe you are in a metropolis.

Cycling Holiday Tokyo will guide you to the spots and facts which you will not find in the ordinary Tokyo guidebooks,

with E-bike, the electric assist bicycle.


Cycling Holiday Tokyoのツアーに参加された皆さまやそのご家族、友人の皆さまはどのように過ごされているのでしょう。






名前は"rose evening primrose"、(和名:ユウゲショウ『夕化粧』)。







Cycling Holiday Tokyoでは、ガイドブックでは見つけられないような東京の魅力を、電動アシスト自転車、Eバイクを使い、皆さまと巡っていきます。


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